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Daily Devotion — Seeing the Character of God Clearly
1 Peter 5:6–11 is a fairly common passage that I’m sure many of us have read before. If you are familiar with these verses, I encourage you to read back through them again. Please don’t speed read — go slow and hang on the words. Breathe at every comma, pause at every period. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to the truth of God’s word, then listen for His still, small voice.
What stands out to you in this passage?
These verses always make me think about our line of direct communication with God. Have you ever felt like you were imposing on someone else? I sure have. It feels so incredibly awkward and uncomfortable — it makes me want to slink away from the room and never return to it again. Because we know what it’s like to be an imposition, it can be tempting to not tell anyone when we’re struggling — we don’t want to bother them. We don’t want to feel the scourge of imposing on another person.
Yet God — Almighty God, the creator and sustainer of the entire universe — welcomes our cares. Seriously! Just think about this revolutionary truth about the character of God for a moment! We can cast our anxieties upon Him, not because He is a doormat or is paid to hear our problems or has…