No one undergoing a trial should say, “I am being tempted by God,” since God is not tempted by evil, and he himself doesn’t tempt anyone. But each person is tempted when he is drawn away and enticed by his own evil desire. Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and when sin is fully grown, it gives birth to death. James 1:13–15 CSB
While I don’t remember much from my high school physics class, there is one concept I cannot forget: the law of entropy. In the simplest of terms, entropy dictates that matter, if left undisturbed, will become increasingly disordered. We see this when an abandoned garden becomes overgrown, a neglected building crumbles, or when human remains turn to dust.
It struck me, even then, that this law of thermodynamics was describing the effects of sin!
It was never God’s intention for His creation to naturally trend towards death and disorder. Throughout Scripture, we can see our God is a God of peace. He not only longs to bring us comfort and rest but to restore order to our souls, as well.
You see, the law of entropy applies to our spiritual lives as well. If left unattended, our hearts gravitate towards chaos, resulting in an unruly pride, unchecked fear, and ultimately death. But a heart surrendered to Christ and cultivated by the Holy Spirit bears the fruit of peace.
Like a skilled gardener, God is always tending to our hearts. Pulling up lies and planting His truth, He works all things together for our good. He is never hurried or panicked. He is never flustered or thrown off course. His movements are measured and sure; gentle and kind.
Today is an opportunity for us to participate in His work. With a humble heart, we can learn to trust in His sovereignty and goodness and therein, find peace.
This devotion originally appeared on Devotable written by Mary Kathryn Tiller
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