3 min readJan 15, 2019

Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right hand or when you turn to the left. — Isaiah 30:21 NKJV

We Need Direction

Recently our area has been experiencing major road construction. Traffic has been detoured, roads have been altered, and smaller communities have been bypassed as our familiar two lane road became an unfamiliar four lane highway.

Large orange barrels and concrete barricades now occupy space in some of the busiest parts of our small town.

My husband informed me that things would look considerably different on my next trip home, but I was startled by how drastic the change was. I had been prompted to leave earlier in the day, but I kept finding things to do instead of leaving. My pride convinced me I would not have any problems traveling at night — after all I had lived in the area for over 30 years. How much change could I encounter?

Believing the darkness would not hinder my arrival to a place that I knew like the back of my hand was a huge mistake!

As I got closer to my destination, I argued with myself for leaving so late. Why didn’t I heed the advice of those who had already traveled this terrain? Why didn’t I obey the Spirit of God Who prompted me to begin my journey earlier in the day?

Leaving an hour earlier would have provided me the opportunity to see this new road that was not open during my last trip home. The cones were gone, but I had no idea how to get from where I was to where I needed to be.

I telephoned my husband and after hearing my frustration, he asked why I didn’t call him earlier. I had spoken to him a few minutes earlier and assured him that I was okay, but after hanging up with him, I had been driving back and forth on this one stretch of highway trying to figure out where to turn.

He asked me what I saw and stayed on the phone with me as he guided me to my destination.

This Is The Way, Walk In It

As I reflected on my disobedience to God and overconfidence in my own abilities, my mind was drawn to Isaiah 30:21 NKJV, “Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it,’ whenever you turn to the right hand or when you turn to the left.”

Isn’t it so reassuring to know that we always have Someone to call on when we get off track or when we lose sight of our destination?

Just as I called my husband to lead me to the safety of home, our Heavenly Father offers directions to steer us back on track if we ever lose sight of our destination.

Challenges, roadblocks, and even messages may make us feel that we will forever roam aimlessly through life with no clear direction.

We may see the vision for our lives, but have no clue how that vision will become a reality. We don’t have to roam any longer. Reach out to the Architect of the path and ask Him for clear direction.

Sit quietly and rest in Him. We will hear His voice, sweetly whispering, “This is the way, walk in it.”

This devotion originally appeared on Devotable written by Iris Bryant


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Written by Devotable

Devotable is a collection of writers who create daily devotion content that uplifts believers and spreads the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world.

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