“Exactly as I show you concerning the pattern of the tabernacle and all of its furniture so you shall make it.” Exodus 25:9 ESV
Read Exodus 25–28
God Is In The Details
When our family had outgrown our residence, my husband and I began house-hunting. We looked at scores of listings on the market but eventually decided to build. It was a big task- considering floor plans, lot sizes, locations, and several other factors. Some details escaped us, and once we moved in, we often said, “We didn’t think about that.” We weren’t disappointed, just a bit inconvenienced.
In reading through the Old Testament this year, I’ve spent some time in Exodus and God’s instruction for building the tabernacle. I’ll be honest and say I approached that portion, like I do genealogies, with the attitude, “let me just get through this, on to something more interesting.” But I knew scripture is there for a reason, and this time, as I read with a more open mind and heart, I found God’s directions more than interesting. May I say profound?
Seeing a God of Details
Beginning in Exodus 25, God gives instructions for building. He begins by asking for contributions from every man “as his heart moves him” (verse 2) and then tells Moses an exact pattern. (Exodus 25:9) God gives Moses measurements, placement of items, materials for construction, and even describes rings and clasps, exactly. Yarn, acacia wood, pure gold, engraved flowers, goats’ hair, twined linen…the more I read, the more absorbed I became. Specific details were communicated for distinct purposes. It had become “more interesting” than I thought.
What began as reading to get through these passages, became a lesson in seeing a God of details. God doesn’t change. Nothing in my life escapes God’s eye. Psalm 139 tells us wherever we go, He sees us. Hebrews 13:5 reminds us He will never leave us or forsake us. Matthew 10:30–31 tells me God knows the hairs on our heads. His care and concern for the details of my life are just as true as His communication to Moses for construction of the tabernacle.
Going Back To The Principles
When I have an unanswered prayer, a disappointing circumstance, or a need, I choose a Bible verse of encouragement, or retrieve one I’ve memorized, but I can also go back to the principle in the tabernacle. God is a God of details for His designed purposes, and He knows what I need.
Are the passages in Exodus-boring? Not a bit. Reassuring, hopeful, and encouraging are better descriptions.
I have a God who knows every detail of my life, exactly.
How does that encourage you where you are today?
This devotion originally appeared on Devotable written by Marilyn Nutter
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